March-September 2014



DOI Number

Planned pregnancy termination and secondary hysterectomy at 15 weeks for fetal anomaly in a previously untreated Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation. A case report Paragona M. Brosio F., Riu P., Scassellati Sforzini G. 10.14660/2385-0868-001
Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine and the prevalence of malaria (in blood and placenta) among booked women who have completed intermittent preventive treatment in Zaria, Northern Nigeria Akafa R., Oguntayo O.A., Samaila M.O.A. 10.14660/2385-0868-002
A Conservative Protocol for the Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage. Evaluation of its effectiveness in high risk patients Affronti G., Giardina I., Epicoco G., Luzi G., Arena S., Clerici G. 10.14660/2385-0868-003
Postpartum pubic symphysis diastasis: a case report and review of literature Svelato A. Ragusa A. Spinoso R., Fiorino F., Calagna G., Forlani F., Perino A. 10.14660/2385-0868-004
Case report: Uneventful at term twin pregnancy starting three months after complete hydatidiform mole diagnosis Natale A., Girardelli S., Vignali M., Zacchè M.M. Busacca M. 10.14660/2385-0868-005