DOI Number
Planned pregnancy termination and secondary hysterectomy at 15 weeks for fetal anomaly in a previously untreated Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation. A case report
Paragona M. Brosio F., Riu P., Scassellati Sforzini G.
Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine and the prevalence of malaria (in blood and placenta) among booked women who have completed intermittent preventive treatment in Zaria, Northern Nigeria
Akafa R., Oguntayo O.A., Samaila M.O.A.
A Conservative Protocol for the Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage. Evaluation of its effectiveness in high risk patients
Affronti G., Giardina I., Epicoco G., Luzi G., Arena S., Clerici G.
Postpartum pubic symphysis diastasis: a case report and review of literature
Svelato A. Ragusa A. Spinoso R., Fiorino F., Calagna G., Forlani F., Perino A.
Case report: Uneventful at term twin pregnancy starting three months after complete hydatidiform mole diagnosis
Natale A., Girardelli S., Vignali M., Zacchè M.M. Busacca M.